Announcing BigCRM – BQool’s Amazon Help Desk Tool Released on 5/26

I am not getting any review or feedback from my customers even though I am sending tons of request emails to them using an Amazon feedback tool. How can I get more reviews and feedback? 


Reviews and feedback don’t grow on trees. If you want to get reviews and feedback, you need to work for them. Like providing good customer service. That’s why email automation tool leaves much to be desired, because it can only automate emails to your customers, without adding any value to your customer’s shopping experience. 


BQool has thus come up with a solution to end your review and feedback drought



Introducing BigCRM, an Amazon Help Desk with email automation, which allows you to simplify Amazon customer service and improve your buyer’s shopping experience.  


With its built-in ticket system, BigCRM centralizes all customer queries from multiple seller accounts and allows you to streamline customer service operation, so you can respond to all your customer inquiries efficiently without the hassle of logging into separate seller accounts.  


Customers are more likely to give you reviews or feedback if you solve their issues. You can always manually send a feedback or review invitation to them if they are satisfied with your service afterwards. This way, you can also bypass buyers who have opt-out your emails to request reviews and feedback from them 


AdditionallyBigCRM can automate feedback and review request emails to customers who are satisfied with your service to increase your odds of getting positive reviews and feedback.  


You can get a powerful overview of the buyer’s relation to your business with the ticket system. Acquiring critical information such as contact detail, order record, refund and feedback history can help you identify your customer’s need quickly and ensure the provision of quality service. 


We also have many other great features on BigCRM, such as an autoresponder that can reply to your customers automatically, so you can go and enjoy your holiday without worrying about missing out buyer messages. Numerous default customer service templates that are tailored to various customer service scenarios, of course, BigCRM also gives you the ability to personalize your own templates. And these templates can all be translated into multiple languages with BigCRM’s translation feature.  


Stay tune to our YouTube Channel or follow our Facebook page as we will bring more information about the upcoming Amazon help desk tool – BigCRM, which is slated to be released on the 26th May. 

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BQool Marketing

May 24, 2019
Naimi Ismadi is a content and marketing specialist at BQool, helping Amazon sellers scale their businesses through clear, engaging insights on repricing tools and smarter selling strategies.

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