Promote Your Amazon Store via Pinterest

Many Amazon sellers have developed social media marketing strategies to increase traffic to their store. Moreover, utilizing social media allows you to find new customers, and develop brand exposure before they’ve even ‘stepped’ into your store. Pinterest is the third largest social media platform with over 100 million active users per month. Read on to find out why your store should use Pinterest, and how to make the most of it.


Why Should you Embrace Pinterest?



Visually Effective Purchase-driver

In comparison to other social media, Pinterest is effective as a purchase-driver due to its unique “virtual pinboard” interface and serendipitous charm: It allowing users to discover unexpected and new objects by randomly browsing friends’ pins, topics of interest, or just by typing in keywords. Pinterest is also highly focused around visual images and products [1]. Those factors, taken together, makes it an ideal platform for brands and retailers.

Ease of Purchase with “Buyable Pins”

Pinterest features a special type of pin in mobile apps called Buyable Pins. When an image shows a blue button in the top-right corner, calling browsers to Buy it, this clearly indicates a purchasable product. With the click of a button, buyers can effortlessly select a form of payment, leading them toward their coveted item. This powerful little pin is predicted to boost the possibility of spontaneous purchases [2]. Although Amazon is not currently an e-commerce partner of Pinterest, you can get on the waitlist to be notified when Amazon gets onboard. In the meantime, the ‘posting pins’ link below provides helpful instructions for Amazon Sellers.


The Growth of Mobile Commerce is Skyrocketing!

According to Criteo, in 2015, mobile purchases make up 29% of eCommerce transactions in the US and 34% globally [3]. Looking ahead, the BI Intelligence report indicates that by 2020, 45 percent of total e-commerce will come from mobile commerce, equaling $284 billion in sales. Jaime Toplin at BI Intelligence adds, “Millennials use their phones as their primary device, and as they make more, they’ll spend more. And on the retailers’ end, they are going to create more opportunities for people to buy.”



Top Tips to Promote your Products via Pinterest


Take Advantage of Popular Categories

Before promoting your products on Pinterest, it’s best to have basic knowledge about the audience and categories which are most popular on Pinterest. According to Cision, BI Intelligence estimates that gender on Pinterest is approximately 81% female and 19% male [4].






If your business is not among these categories, you can still take advantage by selecting the most relevant one or combining your product with features from another. A clever example is Sony, who sells consumer electronic goods. Their marketers understood that plain pictures of electronic products would not attract much attention on Pinterest, while cute animals can melt everyone’s hearts. As such, their photos portray adorable doggies wearing headphones. In this way, they were able to spread exposure of their brand outside of the electronic boards into other popular categories and boards [5].

Create Boards

Once you’ve figure out which categories are suitable for your products, you can start to create Boards. Boards are where you save your pins. You can create them to categorize and label your pins so it’s easier for your followers to find your pins.

When posting pins on your boards, it’s best to not to solely focus on your products.  Instead, post general related pins, or your followers might feel like they’re being spammed with product promotions. In addition to creating your own boards, you can also join Group boards to broaden your brand exposure to a larger audience [6].

Utilize Promoted Pins

Promoted Pins is another way to raise awareness for your products and drive traffic to your Amazon store. This feature can be utilized to promote your most popular pins and ensure they appear at the right places. Then, you can select the target you want to reach and pay for impressions or click-throughs, similar to Google Adwords. Later, you can analyse its impact by tracking the performance of promoted pins [7]. Once you discover which pins are the most effective, ensure they are also Buyable Pins so people can purchase your products directly!

Here are a few reasons why Pinterest should be adopted to promote your products. Make the most of this opportunity to expand your social media outreach to increase your sales. See how Pinterest can be a powerful marketing tool for you!


Learn more about:

How to Make Your Amazon Store Stand Out

Improve Amazon Search Rankings with a Great Product Title

Guide to Advertising on Amazon: Sponsored Products vs. eCommerce Ads



[1]How Pinterest’s Buy Buttons Can Change e-Commerce.
[3]State of Mobile Commerce Growing like a weed.
[4]25 Pinterest Stats, Facts & PR Best Practices.
[5]Social Media Marketing: Pinterest for Business.
[6]Pinterest for Amazon Sellers: Generating Leads, Promoting Product Sales, and More.
[7]6 Strategies for Pinterest Buyable Pins.


Published by BQool Marketing on 8th Apr, 2016

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BQool Marketing

April 8, 2016
Naimi Ismadi is a content and marketing specialist at BQool, helping Amazon sellers scale their businesses through clear, engaging insights on repricing tools and smarter selling strategies.

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