How To Do SEO For Your Amazon Store in 2018

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the best ways to lead people to your website. So, why don’t you do it for your own Amazon store? It will increase the traffic and will ensure great sales and the position of your store on Amazon.
Every day, the competition among Amazon sellers is increasing. Every one of them needs customers, and a lot of new sellers are entering Amazon. Now, it is not enough that, you have good products in your store. There is something more to show. So, to prove you and make you the most competitive, you need to do SEO for your store, too.
But to do SEO for your Amazon store you need to learn first what SEO really is. So, let’s start!
What is SEO?
As I told you earlier, SEO is the best way to lead more traffic to your website or your store. When people want to know something or try to find out something, they search on Google. What Google will make them see is the most important thing. Google will let them see first only those websites where it will find the word most what the customer is searching for.
For example, if a customer is searching for the best baby products, when he will search on Google, Google will show him the website where the line “the best baby products” has been written more. So, if it is your website, or your store, where the words are written the most, then your store will be shown in the first place. That is called the power of SEO! It will just push people through Google to your store.
That’s it? No! There is something more. Till now I was just talking about Google SEO. But that’s not all. There is something called Amazon SEO which is known as A9. You have to use this opportunity too if you are included on Amazon.
How to be SEO friendly?
As I have said, there is a difference between Google SEO and Amazon SEO. They both will help you, but combining both should make your store Amazon SEO friendly in 2018.
Make good relation with Google
Yes, we all know that Google and Amazon are two different things. One does profit when it has a good visitor, and other does profit when it has good visitors turning into customers. Now, it is the place, Google search engine as they are the biggest search engine and covers more than 70% search traffic, where they both (Google organic traffic to Amazon) can help one another. For example, if any person searches on Google for a product and finds it in your store, both of you will benefit. Google will be happy that it has got its customer’s satisfaction and as an owner of Amazon store, you will be happy that you have got a customer. So, make a good relationship with Google and for this fill up your store with some content. Make your content SEO friendly, based on Google recommended practices. You will find more details about Google SEO in this amazing article by Moz.

Image Source: Amazon A9
Use the best of A9 Algorithm
Amazon A9 is the way to bring more people to your Amazon store. This is not linked to Google. Amazon itself has this optimization algorithm. Now, to use A9 in right way and make an Amazon SEO friendly store, what can you do? Like Google, Amazon also shows those things in the first place which it thinks should be first. But how it decides on that? There are some options which it keeps in mind when making the rank.
These are:
- Short time sell
Amazon only gives priority to those stores which have sold a lot of items recently. It’s not about how many items you have sold in the year long. But if any store sells much within a short period of time, it ranks the store up. - Compare CTR and CTS
CTR means Click through rate and CTS means Click to sales. So, though Google only gives priority on CTR, A9 during the ranking work give priority to CTS much. - Content
Amazon always does maintain one thing that how many people have reached into your store. But how people will know about the store? Of course, when you will write about it in various places then they can search for you. So, you can do Amazon SEO in your personal places, like blogs, and web portal, etc. Thus, people will find you more often. Give priority to clean images of your products from different angles. This is very important as people may see how your products will look in different ways. But people almost always overlook images as part of the content for their products, for which they may suffer. Please don’t do that.
You can read this article featuring more details about contents and their optimization for Amazon A9 SEO here.

Amazon A9 Ranking factors
Choose the right keywords
Maybe you are in problem thinking that, which keywords can be helpful to make your store SEO friendly. It’s simple! Just choose some competitors. Search and find out those words which are customers searching most. Then take four or five most searched products as your example. Then, take only those keywords from them which are mostly searched and are compatible with your products. Then, you will find the exact keyword that you were in need. Put the main keyword first, then the most searched keywords and then any important measurement or quality if you want to keep in your product title.
Use proper title and keywords
If you want to make your store ranks up in 2018, then make proper titles for your products. There should be some things in your title like- brand, product size, product type, color, product line, etc. but with all of it use a proper keyword too. It will support you most to attract more people and rank your store up. Now, maybe you are in confusion thinking that, how so many keywords you can put in a title and how you will differentiate that which one should put first? It is an easy choice. Your title can be lengthy. But don’t worry. Put the most important keyword first and then the rest. Let the title be a bit longer but don’t make it too big. Keep it under 70 characters.
Try To Maintain Positive Reviews As Much As You Can
To do Amazon SEO for your store, you must get reviews, and they should be positive. There may be negativities in it, but still, people go for the reviews and want to know about other people’s experience. The higher the review score, the higher possibility of better sales and better ranking.
Use bullet option to show Important Information
Most of Amazon sellers don’t give priority to this. Lots of buyers try to look at the special features of a product. Bullet points are important to show your content in a structured way. People will find you more often if you make your most important points in bullets. But remember, don’t put the data in the description which are already in bullet points. Make it easy, make it simple and reliable. Who knows, which one makes you and your store top this year!
That’s all for today. I hope all of these Amazon SEO tips will help you to rank your Amazon store both on Amazon and Google.
Author Bio:
This is a guest post by Joe Nilsen. Joe Nilsen is a data analyst, computer programmer, and an e-commerce expert. He is an Amazon consultant and has recently taken his team to join forces with Seller Strategies International.
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