Sneak Preview: The Upcoming BQool Repricing Central Update

NEW “No Competition between Min & Max” Repricing Rule – BQool Repricer Update

Have you ever wished that you can set different repricing actions against a buy box winner who is found either below your min or above max price? BQool has heard your feedback, and here is the good news. BQool is rolling out with the latest update for Repricing Central on 18th March. We are making the repricing rule more versatile and enhance the rule to cover more competition scenarios so you will be able to compete differently to different repricing conditions.


The Best Solution to Amazon Potential Pricing Error – BQool Repricer Update

Is Amazon Potential Pricing Error causing issues for your repricer? We now have a solution for you. BQool is rolling out the latest update for Repricing Central on 18th March. A delisted listing table will be added to your repricer in this update to help you find delisted listings that may be caused by potential pricing error. Once you find a delisted listing you wish to reprice again, simply set a new Min/Max price and rule to resume repricing for that listing.


If you have any question about the update, please leave your question on our Facebook page. We are really looking forward to the update and we hope you are as well.




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BQool Marketing

March 15, 2019
Pauline's passions lie in eCommerce and supporting individuals in their online selling endeavors. Currently, as a frequent contributor to the BQool Blog, she channels her passions into creating informative contents that break down the complex challenges Amazon sellers face on a daily basis.

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