Amazon Product Feature Bullets Lowered to 500 Characters

Amazon Product FeatureAmazon Product Feature

If you are an observant seller doing business on amazon, chances are you might have already noticed a latest change to Create a New Product listing page. Amazon has updated its character limit for Key Product Features on Previously, sellers were able to enter up to 2000 characters for product bullet points. However, starting from 2017, Amazon has limited the number of character to just 500 characters. This change has only applied to Amazon US so far. If you are selling in Amazon US, DE, FR, ES, IT or other marketplaces, there is no influence on you yet.

amazon bullet point limit

In addition to the new amazon bullet point limit, special characters such as ®, ©, ™ are forbidden by Amazon. This new limitation will only apply to new listings. That is to say, you can still enter 2000 characters when revising the product description of your existing listings. The two images below are good examples comparing the old and new Key Product Features.





The latest Amazon Product Feature limit implication


With the new amazon bullet point limit encouraging less characters in each bullet points, the product description looks more succinct and reader-friendly from shoppers’ perspectives. However, if you still want your bullet point to provide a comprehensive description of a product, here is a small tip for you— you can use an Amazon third party software with API upload, which would enable you to enter 2000 characters for each bullet point.

It seems that this update is slowly rolling out as some sellers are still able to upload 2000 characters for each bullet. BQool will continue to investigate on this and will keep you updated once we have further findings.


Read more

How to Make Your Amazon ASIN a Keyword Magnet for Customers

Amazon SEO-Increases Keyword Search Terms to 1000 Characters


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BQool Marketing

May 10, 2017
Pauline's passions lie in eCommerce and supporting individuals in their online selling endeavors. Currently, as a frequent contributor to the BQool Blog, she channels her passions into creating informative contents that break down the complex challenges Amazon sellers face on a daily basis.

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