2021 Best Amazon Repricer for Amazon Prime Day

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On Amazon, product prices change 2.5 million times a day, and an average product’s cost will change about every 10 minutes. The constant price change not only helps Amazon boost profits by 25% but also keeps sellers’ prices competitive and profitably. To keep your Amazon pricing competitive, there are two ways you can track and adjust prices, manually or automatically. 

Because manual repricing is time-consuming, sellers tend to use Amazon repricer to monitor Amazon’s marketplace automatically. The core benefits of using a repricer are increasing sales, responding instantly to competitor price changes, and saving a lot of your time and effort on manually monitoring prices. How do these repricers work? The strategy that most repricers use is to price lower than your competitors for increasing Buy Box ownership, and this is usually how old-fashioned repricers work. Alternatively, there are some advanced repricers using machine learning technology to adjust prices. This strategy can help sellers to strike a balance between increasing sales and maintaining a healthy profit.

There are so many Amazon repricers on the market, which one should you use? We’ve put together a list of the best Amazon reprices on the market today that you can compare and pick the best one for you. 


Amazon Repricers Comparison 

1. BQool Repricing Central 

When it comes to some recommended Amazon repricers for Amazon sellers, BQool’s Repricer (aka Repricing Central) has always been on the list out there.

Easy-to-use and performance-driven, BQool repricer can keep your inventory prices updated according to the customizable repricing rules you set up so that you can stay competitive, maximize your profits, and win the Buy Box.

“Bqool is, hands down, the best tool that I’ve added to my Amazon business in the last 3 years. Only InventoryLab and Keepa (both of which I started using 4 years ago) have eclipsed BQool in the impact that they’ve had on my Amazon business today.” – Stephan, Fulltime FBA.

And more importantly, BQool thinks constantly to make the product better for taking your Amazon business to the next level. BQool just introduced its AI-Powered Repricer to continuously learn and personalize each ASIN to improve repricing performance for better sales and profits. BQool AI Repricer does not have complicated rules and settings as the rule-based repricers, or have unclear goals for the AI strategies like some algorithm repricers.

Pricing: BQool provides five pricing plans, and users can choose advanced plans for the AI-Powered repricing and additional features. BQool repricer essentially features 5-15 minutes repricing speed, InventoryLab Synchronization, Compete Against Buy Box, Price & Profit Calculator, Repricing Scheduler, and Dashboard and Report.

  • $25 per month for 15-min rule-based repricing speed and 1,000 listings
  • $50 per month for 15-min rule-based repricing speed 5,000 listings + AI-Powered repricing speed and 10 listings
  • $100 per month for instant rule-based repricing speed and 10,000 listings + AI-Powered repricing speed and 1,000 listings
  • $200 per month for instant rule-based repricing speed and 30,000 listings + AI-Powered repricing speed and 6,000 listings
  • $300 per month for instant rule-based repricing speed and 50,000 listings + AI-Powered repricing speed and 50,000 listings


2. Sellery Repricer (SellerEngine)

Sellery Repricer by SellerEngine is a real-time Amazon repricing software with fully customizable intelligent strategies, and it also has solutions to change prices on Private Label items.

Pricing: You pay 1% of your gross monthly sales, with a minimum charge of $50/month and a maximum of $2000/month.


3. Profit Protector Pro

Profit Protector Pro describes it has 10 unique algorithmic repricing strategies that help sellers aggressively pursue the Buy Box and increase the selling price.


  • £24.95 per month for 1,000 listings
  • £29.95 per month for 5,000 listings
  • £34.95 per month for 10,000 listings


4. Informed.co Repricer 

Informed.co, formerly known as Appeagle that sellers enable to reprice their items based on algorithmic repricing strategies and performance analytics.

Pricing:  You have access to all of their features for a price that directly aligns with your monthly revenue. The features include instant repricing, 50k listings, repricing all Amazon marketplaces, etc.


5. Feedvisor Repricer 

Feedvisor is an AI-based repricer that enables you to optimize your prices for improving your Amazon revenue and profit. Unlike most software providers, they don’t offer a trial period. 

Pricing: They have three pricing plans: the Professional, the Premium, and the Enterprise Plan. Each plan has its own set of features, including an algorithmic Buy Box repricer, access to predictive intelligence, and Amazon expertise support. However, Feedvisor does not have information about their pricing plan on their website, so you need to contact them for pricing and request a demo. According to the reviews on Webretailer, Price is far more expensive than competitors.” 


6. RepricerExpress Repricer

Repricer.com by xSellco and RepricerExpress have merged as one repricing solution for Amazon sellers. 

RepricerExpress by xSellco is a repricer to change your price according to the rules you create. You set your Min and Max prices for each SKU and a repricing rule to decide how you would like it to compete.

Pricing: RepricerExpress offers 4 pricing plans according to the number of listings you want to reprice, and each plan has the same set of features, including access to 17 marketplaces, automation, reports, and email/chat support. The more costly pricing plan, the more features.

  • 5,000 listings: £59 per month
  • 50,000 listings: £179 per month
  • 250,000 listings: £299 per month
  • 1,000,000 listings: £899 per month


7. Aura Repricer 

Compared to most repricers on the market, Aura Repricer is a pretty new repricer that states on its site powered by artificial intelligence to maximize your time in the Amazon Buy Box, increasing both sales and profits. But when you look at its pricing plan, it shows COMING SOON for its AI feature.

Pricing: Aura offers a monthly plan for $97, and you can manage up to 50,000 SKUs. The plan features instant repricing, 3 supported marketplaces: Amazon US, Canada, Mexico, strategy templates, bulk uploads, support, etc.


How to choose the right Amazon repricer?

When deciding which repricer to use, you can consider the following key concerns before you invest your money.

  • What is the marketplace that the repricer supports?
    If you sell on Amazon US but also sell on Amazon UK, then the repricer you need is to give you access to reprice across both marketplaces.
  • Is it fully customizable to allow you to define how to reprice based on different competition scenarios? For example:
    • Stop repricing when there is no competition so that you can maximize your profits.
    • Stop lowering prices once you win the Buy Box.
    • Increase your price when you have no competition.
    • Adapt your repricing criteria in relation to your competitors’ state and moves such the fulfillment types, shipping methods, sellers rating, item condition, backorder
    • You can select to ignore competitors that are back-ordered or out of stock
    • Schedule your repricing time to begin or stop 


  • Is the repricer safe and secure?
    A good repricer allows you to protect your profit against loss by calculating exactly how much money you make on each product, which considers the Amazon referral fees, your estimated profit, ROI, and EU VAT fees where applicable. And the price change safety net ensures that you never sell below the minimum price you set.
  • Is the repricer data-driven?
    A data-driven repricer allows you to monitor your Amazon listing information such as rank, offer, Buy Box win %, position, and fulfillment, and also competitor analysis for you to make strategic pricing decisions.
  • Is customer support helpful when you need to get your questions answered?
    No matter the question is about how to get started with the product or advanced setup, a good Amazon repricer product customer support should be helpful and patience to walk users through every single step by step.
  • Does the repricer have an advanced repricing solution to help sellers improve performance?
    When most sellers are using ruled-base repricers, it will become a race-to-the-bottom situation. With an advanced solution like AI-Powered rerpicer, it can learn your competitor’s behaviors and how to win the buy box instead of sacrificing your profit.


You can have it all. Start using the most popular Amazon repricer today!

BQool AI Repricer has an aggressive learning capability to find the best repricing strategy for each ASIN and predict the right price to win the buy box. Give us a try today, and you can race ahead of your competition.

This blog post was originally published in August 2020 and was updated in March 2021 due to product updates or Amazon policy changes.

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Christina Chen

March 17, 2021
Naimi Ismadi is a content and marketing specialist at BQool, helping Amazon sellers scale their businesses through clear, engaging insights on repricing tools and smarter selling strategies.

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