How to Evaluate and Monitor VA Performance

How to Evaluate and Monitor VA Performance

What does your daily schedule look like as an Amazon seller? Your daily to-do list is probably like this: 

  • Check your buyer messages to respond to your customers within 24 hours
  • Maintain optimal inventory level
  • Optimize listing and pricing to increase engagement and sales
  • Check your PPC campaigns (if you have) to increase your presence on Amazon search result page
  • Check and reply reviews to build customer trust

The list of things to do might just be the tip of an iceberg. There’s certainly a lot more you have to do to run your Amazon business smoothly.


Why should you hire a virtual assistant?

A real entrepreneur like you shouldn’t do everything by yourself. You should be planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. That’s why many Amazon sellers hire virtual assistants (VA) to help them in every area of the business operations so they can finally maintain a healthy work-life balance and enjoy some freedom.

Having a virtual assistant is similar to having a company employee remotely, and a good virtual assistant is worth every penny. So how do you know your virtual assistants are performing well?


Why is it important for a business to use KPI?

You should establish metrics to indicate how well your VA performs. For example, when the performance of your VA is bad, there must be something that went wrong. Maybe your VA needs some training or guidance to understand their responsibilities and achieve the goals you set. So it’s important to keep a regular check on a virtual assistant and show them the performance indicator that they can understand. Most importantly, you can then find areas where a virtual assistant can be improved or rewarded if they perform well.

Your KPIs will vary based on the tasks you wish your VA to accomplish, which might be metrics like sales, the number of resolved customer issues, the amount of customer support emails that were delivered, etc.


How do you measure the productivity of a virtual assistant?

Monitoring virtual assistants remotely can be a challenge for many Amazon sellers, you’ll have to establish an effective line of communication with them. Sometimes managing your VA through email communication could work, but if you want to constantly monitor VA performance, you will need VA monitoring platforms such as BigCentral that allows you to check your VA’s progress and their task completion.

If you hire virtual assistants to handle your Amazon customer support, BigCentral dashboard can display the customer service metrics to help you not only monitor VA performance but also increase their productivity.

The following metrics are the industry standards to evaluate the agent’s performance in providing customer service.


Ticket Type Analytics

Your customer’s issues and inquiries can vary. Ticket type analytics breaks down all the buyer messages into different types so that you can realize what part of your business operation should be improved. For example, if you have received many messages about defective items, it indicates that you may need to improve your product quality.

Dashboard - Ticket Type Analytics


Channel Analytics

If you sell on multiple Amazon marketplaces and other platforms outside of Amazon, the chances are that you will receive many customer queries from multiple seller channels or emails. If you would like to know how your agents perform in different channels, you can check Channel Analytics, as it calculates visualizes the average response time for your agents in each channel. You can identify which channel has the most queries.

Dashboard - Channel Analytics


Agent Analytics

Agent analytics can let you easily track agent performance and analyze the quality of your customer support. You can track all essential metrics such as new tickets, tickets solved, incoming messages, sent messages, average response time, late response rate, and more in one quick glance. Identifying which agent performs well or underperforms so that you can determine if you will need to strengthen the underperformed agents with more training and escalate important tickets to the top performing agents.

BigCRM Dashboard - Agent Analytics


Boost your VA productivity with BigCentral

Collaboration with your VA is the key to success. Setting metrics to measure performance and streamlining the customer service process can ensure the high-level productivity of your VAs. This will result in better customer support and keep your customers happy. 


Want to maximize your VA productivity? You should have the best Amazon help desk software to monitor VA performance and improve their results.



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Christina Chen

September 3, 2019
Naimi Ismadi is a content and marketing specialist at BQool, helping Amazon sellers scale their businesses through clear, engaging insights on repricing tools and smarter selling strategies.

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