Best SEO Tactics for your Listings on Amazon in 2024

Reselling on Amazon is not just about price and Buy Box ownership; it is also about optimizing your listings. With fierce competition, standing out can be challenging, especially if your keywords are inadequate. Ensuring your listings have impeccable Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. Effective Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) benefits both sellers and …

By Pauline Thoméré

June 14, 2024

4 Ways to Make Sure your Amazon Store Stands out

    The thought of competing against Amazon and its army of third-party sellers can certainly unsettle many e-commerce merchants. The size of Amazon allows the e-commerce giant to offer prices that smaller Amazon store owners simply can’t compete with. So how can the average merchant make sure that their Amazon store stands out on     Utilize Social …

By Alexis Rutherford

August 6, 2018