Amazon FBA FEES 2023: The Ultimate Guide and Changes

Amazon has been adjusting their FBA program since the beginning of January 2023. This year due to the global economic downturn, Amazon has reviewed many of the FBA fees. Because some of the fee changes are not yet effective, you will need to pay attention to the different Amazon changes throughout the year.

We have summed up all the fee changes that had already happened and will happen through the year 2023 so you and your business can better prepare for the FBA changes. We recommend you bookmark this article to have a general overview of the fee changes this year.


  • Fulfilment Fees for Non-Apparel 2023
  • Fulfilment Fees for Apparel 2023
  • Fulfillment Fee Changes for Dangerous Goods 2023
  • 2023 FBA Removal and Disposal Order Fee Changes starts in January
  • FBA Monthly Storage Fee Changes Starting from February 2023
  • FBA Monthly Storage Off Peak Starting April 1, 2023
  • FBA Monthly Storage Peak Period
  • FBA Aged Inventory Surcharge starting April 15, 2023
  • Other Fees
  • Small and Light Program Changes 2023
  • FBA New Selection Program Changes 2023 

Here is the recap of all the FBA fees changes for 2023:

Fulfilment Fees for Non-Apparel


FBA for Non-Apparel drastically increased in 2023 compared to 2022. The fulfillment fees have increased and made the shipping weight starts from 4 pounds instead of 6. If you look at the table, before Amazon used to separate “peak” and “non-peak fulfillment fees” but this year, the fulfillment fees per unit would be the same no matter the period of the year.



Fulfilment Fees for Apparel

You can see some changes happened here too. Same as the fulfillment fees for non-apparel items, Amazon has increased the fulfillment fees and begun charging orders with the shipping weight starting from 4 pounds instead of 6 pounds.


Fulfillment Fee Changes for Dangerous Goods

Amazon also reviewed the Fees for Dangerous goods too! Instead of having peak and non-peak fulfilment fee per unit, now you must pay the same amount no matter the period of the year. Amazon also made the fulfilment fees start from 4 pounds instead of 6 pounds.


2023 FBA Removal and Disposal Order Fee Changes starts in January














As you can see in the table the FBA Removal and Disposal Fee increased too in 2023.The removal and disposal fee per unit increased especially for the Oversize and Special handling Items.



FBA Monthly Storage Fee Changes Starting from February 2023

Starting February 1, 2023, off-peak monthly inventory storage fees (January-September) will be increased by $0.04 per cubic foot for standard-size products and $0.03 per cubic foot for oversize products. This change will first be reflected in March 2023 charges for storage that occurs in February 2023.

Starting October 1, 2023, peak monthly inventory storage fees (October-December) will be increased by $0.20 per cubic foot for oversize products. This change will first be reflected in November 2023 charges for storage that occurs in October 2023. There is no change to peak monthly inventory storage fees for standard-size products.

FBA monthly storage fee increased a little bit around 3 cents for January -September period then October-December will remain unchanged for standard products, however as you can see for oversize items, the storage fees increased of 3 dollars for January- September then for October- December they will increase of 20 cents.


FBA Monthly Storage Off Peak Starting April 1, 2023


FBA Monthly Storage Peak Period



FBA Aged Inventory Surcharge starting April 15, 2023


Controlling your inventory is essential, especially with the fees change this year!

Do not let stagnant inventory cost you a fortune and eat your profit. Before, you did not need to worry about the items that have been sitting in the Amazon warehouse for more than 180 days, this year, Amazon will start to charge you when your items have more than 180 days.

If you struggle with monitoring your inventory and you need an effective solution to help you get rid of your stagnant inventory, you can use BQool Repricer and Conditional Repricer Inventory Age Condition. If you want to learn more about this special software feature, check this article.



Other Fees

As you know Amazon has many different and special fees. The special fees are usually related to the media category like for example book rental or closing fees. Make sure to check on Amazon seller central and Amazon report to see if there are any extra fees you might need to pay in case you have used special services.

If you want to have a recap of the different Amazon fees and learn how to calculate them, you can check this article about Amazon accounting.


Small and Light Program

As we mentioned in the previous article, Small and Light fee changes have already started, and as you can see the Fulfillment Fees increased, starting from 4 pounds instead of 6 pounds.

FBA New Selection Program Changes

Starting in March 2023, FBA NEW Selection Program Changes, amazon will increase the rebate from 5% to up 10% on average. Only the sellers who complete Brand Registry for the following new selection will be eligible:

For eligible oversize items, the rebate will apply on up to 30 units per parent ASIN for up to 90 days (about 3 months).

For eligible standard-size items, the rebate will apply on up to 100 units per parent ASIN for up to 120 days (about 4 months).

If you want more information, you can check  FBA New Selection, including seller and ASIN eligibility.


Alternatives to FBA Fees Changes?

Well, we hope the fees next year will hopefully decrease, however if you are looking for some alternatives for 2023 because you think FBA fees are too high and it will impact your business, you can try to outsource the logistics to prep centers and become a FBM seller. You can check this article to learn more about this independent service (not related to Amazon) that can help you deal with logistics and customer support. If you look for a prep center recommendation, you can check this website.


All these fees could be very confusing and with the numerous changes this year you might need time to check the various categories and related costs. Pay attention to the fees changes to avoid unpleasant surprises between last year and this year, some of the fee changes might not seem obvious at first but if you compare them to 2022, Amazon FBA fees increased a lot. Keep in mind that some of the fee changes will be effective later this year. Finally, if you do not want to pay this amount of money for FBA services, you can choose to use third-party independent services to take care of your items and deal with logistics, storage, and customer support.

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Pauline Thoméré

February 24, 2023
Pauline's passions lie in eCommerce and supporting individuals in their online selling endeavors. Currently, as a frequent contributor to the BQool Blog, she channels her passions into creating informative contents that break down the complex challenges Amazon sellers face on a daily basis.

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