8 Products You Should Sell this Q2 on Amazon

8 products you should sell this Q2 on Amazon

Q2 is around the corner, and you do not have any idea what you can sell for making additional sales for your amazon business? If you run out of ideas and search for new potential bestselling products that you can sell on Amazon, to maximize your profit this Q2, we have spotted 8 promising items that we recommend you invest in.

Our List

We have used our software BigCentral to spot potential trendy items that you can sell on Amazon.

We have included a rating system with three stars for our products with a high sales potential. The more stars a product has, the higher the rating is.

Beauty and Care Products

Many buyers shop beauty products on Amazon, it is a very profitable category, as a seller you can find promising niche products to sell.

# Claw Clips

If you are looking for something in this category, we recommend you source accessories such as claw clips for hair. Based on our observations, this iconic accessories from the 90’s is coming back into fashion in 2023.

claw clips - stars

  • Average selling price: $7- $16
  • Advantages: Popular Hair Product, 90’s Trend

claw clip big central

*This table illustrates the popularity and the profitability of claw clips in the Amazon US marketplace.

Computers & Accessories

This category is also very popular. Customers are looking for products that improve the user experience with their daily drivers or they search for items that bring a personal touch to their electronic devices.

# Laptop Skins

skin laptop

  • Average selling price: $7- $16
  • Advantages: Customization


People like to customize their electronic devices, take advantage of that trend and source accessories like Laptop Skins, they could be a good option. Laptop Skins are light and small, and they are not restricted as much as other products.

The other advantage is the diversity of this product; indeed, you can find a lot of different designs, colors, sizes, materials, etc.

You can source these items in Target, Walmart etc.


*Here is the sales data for this laptop skin.

According to our observations, the demand for this product is increasing. The estimated sales revenue is about $3.047.10 that makes this accessory a potential bestselling product.

Pet Category

Pet category is a huge category especially on Amazon. Because people care a lot about their pet’s well-being; this category gives you the possibility to find something to sell.

# Water Bottle for Dog

waterbottle for dog

  • Average selling price: $10- $26
  • Advantages: Niche product

Based on our research, water bottle for dog is a popular item. It is ideal for owners who want to walk their dog without carrying a bowl with them. Some models even have a dry food compartment.

You can source these items in retail stores such as Target, Walmart, Pet Store Supplies…etc.

Outdoors Category

Many people are interested in outdoors products. In this category usually buyers on Amazon shop hiking clothing, climbing material, and camping items. You have plenty of options to find a trendy accessory in this category.

# Purifying Water Straw

This item is very popular especially for hiking because clean water source is always a dilemma for hikers on a long trip. According to our research, purifying water straw has the potential to become a bestselling product on Amazon. This is what we recommended:

water straw rating

  • Average selling price: $6- $25
  • Advantages: Niche product

purifying straw


This category is quite popular on Amazon. Indeed, buyers like to shop electronic accessories such as headphones, lenses, memory cards…etc. There are many opportunities for you to find something suitable for your business.

#Security Camera

camera monitor baby pets

  • Average selling price: $24 – $49 (for a single piece)
  • Advantages: High Tech Product


These small devices are very popular especially for parents who want to monitor their babies’ activities or pet owners who want to keep an eye on their pets while they are not at home.

You can source these items in brick-and-mortar stores. Usually, security cameras are sold individually or in a set of two.

However, before sourcing these types of products, make sure you have the authorization to sell them on your seller central amazon account, because some brands have restrictions for selling their products on Amazon.

Tools & Home Improvement

 People also shop in this category for essential tools for basic repair and maintenance. Usually, buyers are looking for specific tools for their home improvement project. We recommend you source this type of items in multi-packs.


First, as we mentioned before it is better to focus on small items that are easy to source, store and ship. Usually, screws come in packs with different length, material, thread, head style, drive style etc.

Moreover, Screws are basic products, you can source in every big retail store such as Home Depot, Walmart, Target.


  • Average selling price: $6- $28 (depends on the quantity)
  • Advantages: Basic product


Home & Kitchen

There are many items that people require daily for their home. Products in the home and kitchen category is no different. From baking soda to leg floor protectors, there are many products in this category for you to sell.

#Baking Powder for Cleaning

baking powder

  • Average selling price: $9- $23
  • Advantages: Ecofriendly, Multipurpose

Green cleaners’ products are very popular. Baking Soda is a multipurpose product, and it could be used as main ingredient in different DIY products. Finally, it is an ecofriendly alternative to traditional cleaning products for buyers who are searching for green products cleaning.

This product is very easy to source, but keep in mind it is powdery products and you must pay attention to the way you stock it and ship it especially if you are a FBA seller.

You can check this page if you want more information concerning the storage policy for this kind of products.

#Chair Leg Floor Protectors

Chair Leg Floor Protectors are a great niche product with a bright future. Because people are constantly looking for new accessories for decorating or protecting of the furniture their homes.

You can easily source this kind of product in big retail stores. The price could vary, depends on the material and the design of the chair leg protectors.

chair legs

  • Average selling price: $6- $25 (depends on the quantity)
  • Advantages: Niche product


Based on our analysis with our software BigCentral, Chair Leg Floor Protectors has an estimated revenue of $2962.06 per day.

We hope this article convince you to invest in these promising niche products or at least gave you the inspiration for finding new potential products to sell this Q2. Be observant about the new trends of the market and keep in mind that, it is essential you adapt your business to the market demand to increase your chances to make a durable long-term profit.

Start your 14-day free trial and get instant access to your visual and comprehensive P&L report with BigCentral now.

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Pauline Thoméré

March 23, 2023
Pauline's passions lie in eCommerce and supporting individuals in their online selling endeavors. Currently, as a frequent contributor to the BQool Blog, she channels her passions into creating informative contents that break down the complex challenges Amazon sellers face on a daily basis.

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  • Pauline Thoméré
    Pauline Thoméré
    March 18, 2022

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