Why am I not Winning the Buy Box? BQool Q&A 

If you have been pulling your hair out trying to secure the buy box on Amazon, you are not alone. Many sellers have been tirelessly striving to obtain that coveted “Buy Box” button, even utilizing repricer tools, but without obtaining success. But fear not, we have some very important information that might just help turn things around for you. Based on the true questions and affirmations we receive from our users; we will debunk the popular myths about the Buy Box and share the best tips on how to improve your chances of winning and maintaining Buy Box ownership. Let BQool help you make informed decisions on your new pricing strategy and maximize your profits on Amazon. 

Buy Box Ownership Depends on My Geographic Location…✔️ 

This is true! It is important to understand that Amazon’s Buy Box winner changes based on geographic location. This can be confusing for some sellers who believe that being the Buy Box winner grants them the buy box position for the entire country. If you are the buy box winner in Texas, you will not be the Buy Box winner in New York state for example, since the Amazon Warehouse is in Texas state, however depending on your shipping speed and your competition, you can be the buy box winner in surrounding states. Check the map below for further explanation.  


It Does not Matter What and How I Source my Products…❌ 

As we have previously emphasized in several articles, how good you are at sourcing directly affects your sales on amazon. How so? Well, if you spend a lot of money on purchasing mediocre products, you will need to price your products at lower prices to stay competitive at the expense of profit margin. Your pricing determines your competitiveness, so if you do not conduct your product or market research diligently and source your products at a desirable price, you may end up overpricing them on Amazon and you will not get the buy box.  

I Can Get the Buy Box Because My Price is the Lowest…❌ 

BQool has been in the repricing game for more than a decade and we have extensive experience and expertise in understanding the importance of a repricer on Amazon. Through our observations, we have seen many sellers choose to race to the lowest prices for pursuing the Buy Box. This is not a wise strategy to adopt on Amazon, and it does not guarantee buy box ownership. Even though Amazon’s Buy Box Ownership depends heavily on pricing, a crucial metric when you resell on this e-commerce platform, it is not the only factor that matters since you must make sure that you are the most competitive in terms of also shipping speed, store rating and choosing the right fulfilment like FBA. If you do not play the game, well you will not be eligible to get the Buy Box 

Please note that “Competitive price” is the fundamental principle to follow on Amazon. BQool repricer provides Competitor Analysis, you can check it to see how competitive you are in a list of competing offers to adjust your strategy.

Repricing Strategies are Essential on Amazon…✔️ 

When you resell on Amazon you need to implement the right repricing strategy based on your objectives, especially if you have a lot of listings. For example, you need a repricing strategy that will help you effectively manage your inventory or secure the Buy Box. For this holiday season we recommend BQool conditional repricer to anyone who wishes to reprice based on your sales velocity and compete for the Buy BoxIn addition, our repricer has advanced customization settings for both FBA and FBM offers, allowing you to tweak your repricing strategies and respond to all kinds of sales conditions you will face this Q4 on Amazon. 

Monitoring Inventory is not Important…❌ 

It is crucial to carefully forecast the quantity of products you want to resell on Amazon. This is especially important for replenishable items, as miscalculations can lead to negative repercussions. For example, backordered products can significantly impact your chance of winning the Buy Box, therefore out of stock should be best avoided. If you are a FBA seller, having stagnant inventory can also reduce your chances to get the Buy Box since it will damage your inventory health. 

That is why, we suggest you use Bqool conditional repricer that enables you to fluctuate between competitive prices and inventory conditions. In the case that your stock is running low, the conditional repricer allows you to increase your prices gradually and manage your inventory before depletion. There are also pre-configured conditions available such as the Inventory Age Condition, which is ideal for liquidating inventory after the busy Q4 period, and the Days of Supply Condition, which is beneficial for managing replenishable or fast-selling products. 

If you want to learn more about the diverse ways you can set up conditional repricer this season, read the following article. 



Amazon Can Choose to Remove the Buy Box…✔️ 

Indeed, Amazon can choose to remove the Buy Box from a listing. Usually, the reason behind this decision is typically due to the product being available at a lower price on another website outside Amazon. In such cases, Amazon sees this as a non-competitive offer and decides not to give the buy box to any seller. If you want to learn more about the Suppressed Buy Box and how you can handle this situation, you can read this article. 

Winning the Buy Box does not require sacrificial ritual, in fact, any Amazon seller who is buy box eligible would have the chance to get their products into the Buy Box. With the right sourcing methods, competitive prices, and an Amazon seller account that is in good standing, you will very likely share the Buy Box with other competitors through Buy Box rotation. Even if you will not always be the Buy Box owner of a listing, so long you have the right AI repricer with the robust AI repricing strategy to help you maintain the Buy Box position longer, you can maximize your profit and sales this holiday season. 

This Q4, we encourage you to utilize BQool Conditional Repricing strategy with its adaptive AI repricing feature to tackle whatever challenges that you might face on Amazon. For more Amazon tips and repricing strategies, you can check the list of articles below. 


Articles That You Might Want to Read: 


5 Reselling Mistakes you Should Avoid to Make on Amazon (bqool.com) 

Conditional Repricer & Buy Box Conditions (bqool.com) 






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Pauline Thoméré

October 17, 2023
Pauline's passions lie in eCommerce and supporting individuals in their online selling endeavors. Currently, as a frequent contributor to the BQool Blog, she channels her passions into creating informative contents that break down the complex challenges Amazon sellers face on a daily basis.

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