What are the Benefits of Using an Amazon Repricer?

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Are you skeptical about how Buy Box could improve your sales? Are you also confused why you need a repricer to get in the buy box? In this article, we will answer these two questions and provide you some information about the benefits of the Buy Box and why you need an Amazon repricer to win the Buy Box

In the early days of Amazon, its founder Jeff Bezos discovered that in order to provide customers a great shopping experience he had to refine the function of his website. To be a great eCommerce platform, Amazon underwent hundreds of tests year after year to develop a way that could expedite checkout, simplify choices, and improve customer experience. Thus, the Amazon Buy Box was invented.

This golden checkout cart is located in the upper right corner of a product listing page. The Buy Box works so well that Amazon sellers literally fight tooth and nail to be in the Buy Box so they can attract the attention of buyers. Till this day, Buy Box has remained a prominent feature on Amazon and proved its capability of converting customers. Because selling on Amazon is so competitive, it feels like the longest line with no end in sight. Merchants on Amazon know the Buy Box is the gold mine for their business, and they all want a piece of the action. Therefore, you need a good Amazon repricer to help you get the elusive Buy Box. Here are some benefits of using Amazon repricer:


1. Stay Competitive

Pricing, as we know, is the key variable by which Amazon determines whether to award you with the top 10 on the offerings list page, the top 4 on the More Buying Choices Box, or the coveted Buy Box. Amazon repricer helps you to adjust prices for all your products every minute. It checks the prices of your competitors and effectively lowers yours, so you remain competitive, profitable, and ahead. 


2. Save Time 

By consistently auto-adjusting prices competitively, you don’t have to adjust your prices manually anymore. You determine your presets in the repricing software, so you don’t have to go through repetitive motions. The Amazon repricer with AI power can also monitor the price trends and take the factors related to competitors’ prices into account regularly, so it will find the best practice for each listing. After all, one size doesn’t fit all.


3. Win More Buy Box

Getting into the Buy Box is a privilege and an exceptional feat. Sellers need to have competitive pricing to win the Buy Box. Amazon repricer with AI power can help accelerate the Buy Box win rate and boost the percentage of Buy Box. The AI repricer can price up and down in the price range, so you can increase your odds of being detected by the Amazon Buy Box algorithm to pick you as the Buy Box winner. 


4. Simple yet Effective

Setting up an Amazon repricer is simple. Once you know your way around it, it’s a powerful Amazon seller tool. You can customize your repricing settings and find the pricing strategy that fits into different competition scenarios. On the other hand, it’s much simpler and quicker to set up the AI repricer because it has machine learning algorithms that learn and understand how Amazon’s buy box algorithm works to equip itself with that knowledge to reprice your listings.


5. Eliminate Labor Cost

Being a business owner can be overwhelming and tiring because of a never-ending to-do list. One of the solutions to tackle your to-do list is to hire extra hands to change your prices, or you can achieve a better result with less effort and cost by using the Amazon repricer.


6. Switch to a True AI Repricer

Sellers who are serious about making money, doing business efficiently, expanding profit margins, and making money, should all consider using an Amazon repricer to help them win the Buy Box. BQool Repricing Central is the perfect Amazon repricer that suits the needs of all Amazon sellers who want to get the Buy Box to increase their sales. Most importantly, its AI solution will get you ahead of the competition easily compared to a traditional rule-based repricer.

7. Use our Conditional Repricer to Take Your Business to the Next Level

Conditional Repricer offers more flexibility to your repricing strategy. Indeed, you have the possibility to reprice on Inventory Age, Day of Supply and Sell Through Rate conditions. Moreover, you can add two sub conditions to the pre-configured ones and refine your repricing strategy so the repricing will start repricing only under certain conditions.

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You also have the possibility to select advanced conditions mode if you do not want to use the pre-configured rules (inventory ages, sell-through rate, or day of supply) and you can create your own customized repricing strategy using advanced parameters.

You can read these Conditional Repricer: Reprice on Sales Conditions & Conditional Repricer: Reprice on Inventory Conditions to learn more about Conditional Repricer.

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This blog post was originally published in October 2020 and was updated by Pauline Thoméré in May 2022 due to product updates.


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Christina Chen

May 18, 2022
Naimi Ismadi is a content and marketing specialist at BQool, helping Amazon sellers scale their businesses through clear, engaging insights on repricing tools and smarter selling strategies.

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