The Pros and Cons of Selling on Amazon and eBay

Amazon and eBay are two of the most popular online shopping sites for consumers around the world. If you are planning to run an online store, you should prioritize maximizing your product exposure by selling on a popular marketplace instead of selling on multiple online marketplaces and spread yourself too thin.  But if you were to choose between eBay and Amazon to sell …

By BQool Marketing

April 16, 2019

Sourcing from China for Amazon FBA [Part B]

Part A is about the preparation period for your sourcing program. Hope you already did as it suggested. Here comes to the second part. It is the follow-ups of the first part. It’s time for you to move to the next stage. You have to act upon your plan, and complete the overwhelming sourcing task. …

By Guest

April 12, 2019

How to Source Products from China for Amazon FBA? [Part A]

Many Amazon sellers like to source products from China. Rapid globalization and the advancement of the e-commerce industry has significantly integrated the cross-border economy. As a rising power offering great manufacturing potential, China has emerged as one of the biggest exporters in the world and a significant supplier for the e-commerce market. How could China …

By Guest

April 9, 2019

The Metrics Every Amazon Seller Should Monitor

It’s typical for Amazon sellers to have their very own eCommerce websites. Not only does having one help them expand their brand and add diversity to their business, but it pretty much helps them capture a market segment that they don’t have access to when operating only within Amazon. What Amazon sellers should never ignore, …

By BQool Marketing

March 31, 2019

Make Smarter Decisions Using Amazon Brand Analytics

Amazon has released a new feature called Brand Analytics under the Reports tab in Seller Central last month. This feature is free and only available to third-party marketplace sellers who are Brand Registered. According to Amazon, Brand Analytics is a feature that contains valuable insights to empower Brand Owners to make informed, strategic decisions about …

By Christina Chen

March 29, 2019

Fight Against Counterfeits Using Amazon Project Zero

With the number of counterfeit products on the rise, even Amazon had to take measures to fight Amazon hijackers and sellers who take advantages of unknowing customers for the purpose of financial gain. Counterfeit products damage not only your brand reputation, but it also drives business down very quickly. Even if your product is branded …

By BQool Marketing

March 22, 2019

Why Amazon Feedback and Reviews Matter to Your Business

Amazon sellers are paying much more attention to their customers’ feedback and reviews. They know that their customers’ feedback and reviews are one of the key factors that impact their store rankings and conversion rate.  As such, they adopt various measures to optimize their customer reviews to increase their business. It’s key for shoppers to …

By Guest

March 19, 2019

Boost Sales & Profit on Amazon with Intelligent BQool Repricer

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Increase Your Sales by Selling Product Bundles

The products bundles on Amazon have been around for a while, yet selling product bundles still isn’t a common practice for Amazon sellers, even though it could create a win-win situation for both sellers and the customers. For Amazon buyers, it’s all about getting the most out of the price they pay for, and bundles …

By BQool Marketing

February 26, 2019

VAT & The Consequences When Selling on Amazon EU?

Value-added Tax is a tax on consumption When you sell in Europe certain business activities may require VAT registration(s) that can trigger periodic compliance obligations. The article below uses the example: Export from China to Germany for sale in Europe through Amazon FBA. FBA meaning fulfillment by Amazon whereby Amazon does a collection, warehousing, returns, distribution …

By Guest

February 22, 2019

7 Expert Amazon Inventory Management Tips

Ask any successful Amazon seller what the most important aspects of their business are, and you’ll likely hear that it’s fulfilling orders and having an effective inventory management process. This post will look at seven ways to improve inventory management for your Amazon business.   Why is Inventory Management Important for Amazon Sellers? Inventory management …

By Guest

February 15, 2019

How To Develop Your Brand Reputation On Amazon

When it comes to Amazon customers, as little as 5% take the time to leave some sort of feedback. Low customer responses are frustrating in any business, but this is especially the case on Amazon, where customer reviews and brand reputation are two of the few tools that you have to separate yourself from other …

By BQool Marketing

February 12, 2019