How Much Should You Really Pay for a Repricer?

With the rising costs of living from the heightened inflation this year, it is more important than ever to make sure you are getting the most out of the services and products you invest in for your Amazon business. When it comes to finding the right repricer for your Amazon store, you want to make …

Best Amazon Repricing Templates 2024 Edition

The success of Amazon repricing strategies depends on various factors, such as the type of products, the volume of sales, sourcing methods, and competition levels. Instead of relying on a generic approach, implementing tailored pricing strategies that are appropriate to listings under specific circumstances, offers significant advantages. To excel in 2024, you need a smart …

By Pauline Thoméré

January 31, 2024

BQool AI Repricer 2024 January Update

    New Reset Min Price Enhancement for AI Conditional Repricing Strategy    Is your business getting hampered by multiple slow-moving items? Do you have trouble getting rid of dead stock at a good price based on the market demand? BQool has come up with the ultimate solution: Reset your Min Price to the Lowest …

By Pauline Thoméré

January 26, 2024

What Products to Sell in 2024 to Make Money on Amazon?

Discovering upcoming popular products requires a blend of data analysis, trend spotting, and trust in one’s instincts. This article aims to assist you in identifying new opportunities in baby safety products, self-care items, pet supplies, and more. Whether you are expanding your inventory or launching a new business, knowledge of emerging e-commerce trends is essential …

By Pauline Thoméré

January 22, 2024

The Vine Program: The Ultimate Guide to Supercharging Your Success!

The Amazon Vine program grants exclusive access to the platform’s most elite reviewers, known as Vine Voices. As a seller, you can provide free or discounted products to these influential reviewers. In return, they will publish comprehensive evaluations on your product pages. But how can you access these coveted reviewers? What products qualify and what …

By Pauline Thoméré

January 11, 2024

Ecommerce News Roundup: December Recap

As 2023 drew to an end, Amazon sellers had plenty to keep tabs on even as holiday orders slowed. From platform updates to logistics changes and more, December brought significant announcements every merchant needs to know to start 2024 off informed. 👉 Identify Demand for your Products in Europe and Japan with New Dashboard The …

By Pauline Thoméré

December 28, 2023

Amazon Fulfillment Fees 2024: The Ultimate Guide 

Brace yourself, sellers! Amazon recently unveiled sweeping changes to its Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) fees taking effect in 2024. From storage and removal rates to processing revisions spanning prep services, defects, sizes, and more, merchants must unravel an intricate web of fee updates. Given the wide-ranging changes, we have condensed this complex maze of fee …

By Pauline Thoméré

December 22, 2023

Boost Sales & Profit on Amazon with Intelligent BQool Repricer

Try BQool For Free View Pricing

No Country for Thin Margins: Amazon Squeezes Sellers with Low Inventory Level Fees

Amazon recently announced yet another fee increase, this time targeting sellers with low inventory levels. The new fees, taking effect April 2024, will charge sellers maintaining less than a 28-day supply of inventory. According to Amazon, low seller inventories “inhibit our ability to distribute products across our network, degrading delivery speed and increasing our shipping …

By Pauline Thoméré

December 19, 2023

Amazon Sellers Lost their Mind When We Try this Unconventional Repricing Strategy… 

Have you ever wondered if you could create a repricing strategy that doesn’t reprice your listings? Well, believe it or not, it’s actually possible! Before you dismiss the idea as nonsense and think, “Why would I ever need that?” Let’s take a moment to consider the benefits and scenarios where it could be useful. While …

By Pauline Thoméré

December 7, 2023

Ecommerce News Roundup: November Recap

If you’ve been occupied with Christmas preparations and missed the latest Amazon news, here’s the November recap of the important updates for 2023. Introducing Strategic Account Services: Essentials and Pro Plans In the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, the Selling Partner Starter and 360 programs are now available as Strategic Account Services. With Strategic …

By Pauline Thoméré

November 30, 2023

How to Reprice with AI Conditional Repricer? 

Navigating the vast possibilities offered by BQool Conditional Repricer can sometimes be daunting, leaving you unsure about the optimal repricing plan for your listings. With many diverse combinations of repricing strategies, how can you configure your go to repricing rules to best fit your business goals? In this article, we will explore the advanced settings of …

By Pauline Thoméré

November 29, 2023

Min, Max Price and BQool Amazon Repricer 

  BQool Amazon Repricer is a great tool that can help you to successfully manage the prices of your Amazon listings, but a poor configuration can lead to a loss of revenue. While creating repricing rules matters, fully optimizing Repricer requires tweaking additional settings meticulously beyond just rules. Setting up product costs, configuring minimum and maximum …

By Pauline Thoméré

November 24, 2023